Laurent JAGOU

Courtier at Domicim - Vente

About me

It is difficult to summarize the broker's job in a few lines, but if it were to be done, I would say that our job is mainly to inform and advise our clients. When selling a property, our agency accompanies clients through the various stages that generally range from estimating the value of the item to visits and finally signing contracts. Support is just as important for buying customers. Indeed, the purchase of a property is often that of a lifetime. It is therefore important to advise and assist them in their research in order to guide them and direct them to the goods that will be able to attract their full attention. In order to carry out all of these tasks, it is important that the broker be informed of market developments from both a technical and financial point of view.
Median selling price

CHF 1,280,205

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Spoken languages

French, English

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