Lucerne (canton): housing price and price/m²

You want to buy or sell a real estate property? Properstar gives you the insights you need before you start.This report is based on the listings published on Properstar. Last update: Apr 2024

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Housing price details

The median price of an apartment for sale is CHF 7,889/m². That means there are as many properties more expensive than CHF 7,889/m² as cheaper. As for houses for sale, the median price is CHF 9,396/m².
Number of roomsMedian price
StudioNot enough listings
2 piècesNot enough listings
3 piècesCHF 7,538/m²
4 piècesCHF 7,850/m²
5 piècesCHF 9,175/m²
Number of roomsMedian price
4 piècesNot enough listings
5 piècesCHF 9,566/m²
6 piècesCHF 9,908/m²
7 piècesNot enough listings
8 piècesNot enough listings

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Lucerne (canton): all details of housing price

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
CHF 9,506
CHF 9,769
Hochdorf District
CHF 7,248
Not enough listings
Sursee District
CHF 6,356
Not enough listings
Willisau District
CHF 7,807
CHF 4,711
Entlebuch DistrictNot enough listings
CHF 6,231

The most expensive locations in Lucerne (canton)

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
CHF 12,986
Not enough listings

The most affordable locations in Lucerne (canton)

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
CHF 12,986
Not enough listings

Lucerne (canton): latest apartments for sale

Lucerne (canton): latest houses for sale

Lucerne (canton): latest apartments for rent